Friday July 26th 2024:
The moons in Aries today as we find our drive and expression taking initiative and being bold in flavour, it's conjunct the North node and opposite the South node so it has a fated element to it, what comes up today is us being nudged and pushed towards evolvement and a different path, it's a invitation to let go of the past, Mercury's recent square to Uranus could have had us learning new information rather unexpectedly & with Chiron the wounded healer also simultaneously retrograding in the sky, meaning we are being triggered by past pain and old inner wounding. Chiron retrograde offers a invitation to review our trigger points to see them and to learn ways to move through them so that we may heal and to release all that is no longer moving forward with us. Mars the North node dispositor is offering our souls support in it's sextile to the sun, the trick is here tho that we need to move forward with the action, with the sun's opposition to Pluto happening at the same time, we see the fear as we incorporate the integration regardless as with the Sun being at home in Leo it takes leadership as we are gifted the suns blessings of courage so that we may shine and have the courage to move towards our souls desires. We currently have Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and with Mercury as well in 10 days all retrograde , this is a time from now til the end of the year to reflect and internalize the new found insights and consciousness that we are mulling over and will be mulling over over the course of the next few months, with Pluto still to come back into Capricorn for one last time within our lifetimes and at the anaretic degree,(29°) we still have some unfinished business to contend with in the Capricorn area of your chart. As Mercury being in Shadow aspect and soon to retrograde, our thoughts will be internal and a great time to do the "re,s" as in re-do , re-vise, re,think, re-flect, it's not a great time to initiate new things , or to buy new technology as Mercury rules the tech world and communication & travel,(pack patience if traveling over the next month) things we may do & buy may not be wanted by the time Mercury goes direct on August 29th, from now til the end of the year is a great time to think and reflect on all the changes we wanna see by 2025!
#transits #kre8tivewitch #astrology #uptownsaintjohn #pottery #mugs #witch #asabovesobelow #mercury #chiron #astro